I had a brief conversation with my friend earlier this evening and a lot of subjects came up, but it was mostly about art, life, religion. So, after all this talking, I am still full of so many opinions and one thing we both agreed about is that if you don’t share your thoughts, interests and everything that you find important enough to give it some time to think about, you won’t be able to advance and to develop. Every little thought is worth mentioning.
Today I had a lecture about body in the world of art (mostly visual art), so here are some of my thoughts on that subject:
What is beauty and when did we start giving it the meaning that it has today?
How do we understand body today? With all this cyber replacements, do we start to neglect it?
Is representation of body also representation of our will for possessing that body or just a dead symbol?
How do you see body, as a shell, kind of a mask of our soul or as an symbiosis of both?
Today we may find a lot of projects that are connected to this theme, and one of the most important artist that analyze and research this topic is Louise Bourgeois. She divides the body into little segments while analyzing it. Other very important artist that is working in the field of
performance art is well known Marina
Abramovic. The base of all her performances is the body. Body is her medium for communication and also her subject. She becomes living sculpture.
If you look at a various photographs of a body for example from Mapplethorpe or Rineke Dijkstra you can notice that all those body representations are presented mostly as a sculpture. Living body is formalized as a non living sculpture, that may be a quote of many themes from painting and different understanding of body throughout the history of art.
But with so many new age inventions, cloning, silicon input and other surgery interventions, internet, body is becoming replaced, lost, transformed into metaphor.
As Louise Bourgeois once said - For me, sculpture is the body. My body is my sculpture.
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