My head is always full with so many impressions that are filling my mind during the day or during the night ;)
Last one that's quite big is Tacheles, Berlin! On my backpack trip through Europe I have visited among others the great BERLIN! Well, I have to admit that before even considering the route through Europe, Berlin was not on my ,,have to see'' list. BUT, as it's almost always the case the place I the less I expected from surprised me the most! I shell get to the point.
Tacheles is a building that is squatted by young people mostly artists, and now is the center for all the people that are art lovers. Full of ateliers, bars, concerts, performances! A paradise for me :) In the building which is hysterically full of graffiti, posters in 100000 colors gives the first good vibe. You may go to each floor and visit different kind of ateliers and be the witness of art making. A photo machine made from paper, where you enter and instead of a flash, you see a person that is making a portrait of you... Crazy clothes, paintings, DJ and on top of the building there is a bar made of old pieces of cars, furniture, electronics and amazing view of the city! A place to stay :D
There is a little bit of everything for every soul.
XY Squated building:
As me and my friend were most of the time just led by our foot and not the mind we have come up to a place that is also a squatted building with galleries and bars but unfortunately we have no idea what's the name of the place! Anyway it's another crazy surrounding that I have to mention, visualy and literary! so, enjoy >>>
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