Monday, September 15, 2008


Destination - Paris!
A zillion things to see, hear, taste, experience and resorb! Little bars with big warm atmosphere and huge galleries with more than huge installations, the whole experience is enormous! If you add a little bit of Palais de Tokyo exhibitions or a segment of Pompidou Center collection and spice it up some French wine - then you get a memory for life!

Palais de Tokyo is a contemporary art gallery with no more then 4-5 installations, but they are the biggest ones I've seen so far. Projects are mostly highly complex and some of them require a close interference of public (viewers). At the exhibition called Superdome, a big pile of garbage with a huge pipe in the middle of it is a good example. It was a house covered with garbage where you may enter only by crawling into the pipe and then when you enter you find yourself in a luxurious house with a garage, pool, 2 floors and I have no idea how many rooms! That's one hell of a contemporary way of art expression...

Superdome exhibition, Palais de Tokyo

On every corner you may find something creative and inspiring. Lots of vintage shops, museums, street arts and small galleries including the smallest gallery of Paris which I think has no more than 1 quadrate meter!

Smallest gallery in Paris

Pompidou is another story. A place where you may stay for 3 days and still don't manage to see everything inside! We stayed for maybe 2 hours and we saw only part of modern art collection and ran through the first floor with contemporary art collection :( My external memory was overloaded with images, so I think that it would be unfair not to share some ;)

Center Pompidou, Paris

Pompidou collection of modern art

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tacheles and other Squat Places in BeRliN

Wow! It's been a long time! Why? I have no idea or good excuse...
My head is always full with so many impressions that are filling my mind during the day or during the night ;)
Last one that's quite big is Tacheles, Berlin! On my backpack trip through Europe I have visited among others the great BERLIN! Well, I have to admit that before even considering the route through Europe, Berlin was not on my ,,have to see'' list. BUT, as it's almost always the case the place I the less I expected from surprised me the most! I shell get to the point.


Tacheles is a building that is squatted by young people mostly artists, and now is the center for all the people that are art lovers. Full of ateliers, bars, concerts, performances! A paradise for me :) In the building which is hysterically full of graffiti, posters in 100000 colors gives the first good vibe. You may go to each floor and visit different kind of ateliers and be the witness of art making. A photo machine made from paper, where you enter and instead of a flash, you see a person that is making a portrait of you... Crazy clothes, paintings, DJ and on top of the building there is a bar made of old pieces of cars, furniture, electronics and amazing view of the city! A place to stay :D
There is a little bit of everything for every soul.

XY Squated building:

As me and my friend were most of the time just led by our foot and not the mind we have come up to a place that is also a squatted building with galleries and bars but unfortunately we have no idea what's the name of the place! Anyway it's another crazy surrounding that I have to mention, visualy and literary! so, enjoy >>>

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Understanding art - Banksy

Understanding art has always been a delicate subject. While some people are afraid of it (afraid of not understanding it) others are forcing it. Is there a way to bring art closer to those people that are not willing to ‘’cooperate’’. Well, there is one artist that certainly succeeded in this matter, and his name is Banksy. Banksy is the most famous street artist in the world and his art is part of everyday surrounding so you cannot avoid it. Even the big collectors couldn’t resist his original works, so some of them decided to buy a wall, with his work on it, for a price of £208,100! While his effort is well paid and accepted there are still people who from some reason are trying to sabotage his way of art expression, or maybe these people still do not understand the point of art! I’ve posted a text which perfectly explains what I meant by this...

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Phil Collins - visual artist

I am currently working on some thesis about two pieces of work done by an artist called Phil Collins. Although everyone tend to confuse him with a very popular British pop singer, I want to accent that it is not him! This Phil Collins is a visual artists that is working in the field of photography and video, and was nominated for a Turner prize in the year of 2006. Anyway, as I am preoccupied with this subject its quite natural to write about it. While I was browsing through the web for his biography and work I came to a video that shows an interesting perspective of art, that is very similar to what I am interested in. He is talking about his Turner prize nomination and at the same time communicating very concuasly with a person that is standing behind the camera. What I find interesting here is the interaction between a viewer and the person that is being viewed.Very similar to this project of his, photographs named Young Serbs, are dealing with almost the same issue- communication between people and different cultures. I've posted two photographs from the his project Young Serbs, and the rest you may find here:

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Animated film

I had this idea for making a small animated film and it came out funny, but still at that moment I realized that there’s something special about animated films. While making it I was creating 2 characters and giving life to nonliving things. I could have used simple video camera, but the whole process of creation is much more amazing this way.

I remembered my favorite movie called The Science of Sleep, that was already mentioned in this blog before, where fantasy and reality are mixed together . In this movie everything seems to be alive and even dreams interfere with reality. This is just the kind of feeling you have while making an animated film, and afterwards you won’t look the same at objects around you ;) It’s like when you attach to something and you start giving it names (a car, a pen, chair , anything... or... is it just me who’s doing such things? ) : o

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Dreams and Movies

After viewing another movie with a dream as the main theme, I was again very interested and impressed by that subject. Since I was a child, I always had crazy dreams and sometimes I wrote them down and tried to analyze them. Dreams always seemed to me as the biggest riddle, and I ascribed to them big importance.

So, to go back on the movies… Naturally, as I was drawn to dreams I liked to view every movie in which a dream plays a big part. A movie is ,for me, one of the best mediums to represent a dream, because I find a close resemblance between them. They are both visual representations, an assemblage of images, illusions and in both of them we identify ourselves with persons. If you watch a movie trying to analyze every scene, first you will try to understand every object in it and it’s reason for being there. In the same manner you will examine every little thing in a dream – objects, colors, persons… As I am not an expert for dream interpretations, I’d like to point out on a paragraph from Sigmund Fraud’s book The Interpretation of Dreams :

Gruppe * speaks of such a classification of dreams, citing Macrobius and Artemidorus: "Dreams were divided into two classes; the first class was believed to be influenced only by the present (or the past), and was unimportant in respect of the future; it included the enuknia (insomnia), which directly reproduce a given idea or its opposite; e.g., hunger or its satiation; and the phantasmata, which elaborate the given idea phantastically, as e.g. the nightmare, ephialtes. The second class of dreams, on the other hand, was determinative of the future’’.

As I see it, this types of dreams described here are using a kind of language as a tool too communicate (forsee the future) or to react on reality, very simililar to the language director is using while making a movie, that may indicate to the next action, forsee the next step.

When you look at Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams for example, you may find a perfect formation of a dream and a movie. Series of his actual dreams represented through a movie, a dream analized and then reconstructed by him. He uses his own symbols and interpretates at the same time what he thinks his dream means. And on the end there is a viewer, dream is not for his „eyes“ only but is available for a group of people - it is exposed for a million of different understandings and analasys. He made his dreams public and saw them all once again. That’s the thing everyone would love to be able to accomplish – to see it once again and to record it forever.
As I allready have said there are a number of movies dealing with this subject, and I may write down some of the other titles worth paying attention to, for example: Un Chien Andalou (An Andalusian Dog) , Waking Life, The Science of Sleep, Oculto...

As this post became longer then I expected, I’ll put it to an end with one fact that tells us about first attempt to record a dream and it dates back to 3000-4000 B.C., where they were documented on clay tablets.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Representation of the body


I had a brief conversation with my friend earlier this evening and a lot of subjects came up, but it was mostly about art, life, religion. So, after all this talking, I am still full of so many opinions and one thing we both agreed about is that if you don’t share your thoughts, interests and everything that you find important enough to give it some time to think about, you won’t be able to advance and to develop. Every little thought is worth mentioning.

Today I had a lecture about body in the world of art (mostly visual art),  so here are some of my thoughts on that subject:

What is beauty and when did we start giving it the meaning that it has today?

How do we understand body today? With all this cyber replacements, do we start to neglect it?

Is representation of body also representation of our will for possessing that body or just a dead symbol?

How do you see body, as a shell, kind of a mask of our soul or as an symbiosis of both?

Today we may find a lot of projects that are connected to this theme, and one of the most important artist that analyze and research this topic is Louise Bourgeois. She divides the body into little segments while analyzing it. Other very important artist that is working in the field of 
performance art is well known  Marina 
. The base of all her performances is the body. Body is her medium for communication and also her subject. She becomes living sculpture.

If you look at a various photographs of a body for example from Mapplethorpe or Rineke Dijkstra you can notice that all those body representations are presented mostly as a sculpture. Living body is formalized as a non living sculpture, that may be a quote of many themes from painting and different understanding of body throughout the history of art.

But with so many new age inventions, cloning, silicon input and other surgery interventions, internet, body is becoming replaced, lost, transformed into metaphor.
As Louise Bourgeois once said - For me, sculpture is the body. My body is my sculpture.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Jeff Wall at SFMOMA

While I was searching for a good site that can provide me with some most important informations about world contemporary art scene, I came across SFMOMA website where one upcoming exhibition really surprised me! SFMOMA is organising retrospective exhibition of works from Jeff Wall, one of the photographers whose work I appriciate the most. As some of you probbably know he is an artist who first started as a painter and then found a big interest in a relation between photography and painting. His well known lightbox framing made a big trace and influence in contemporary way of thinking, presenting and understanding photography, painting as well as cinema. His photographs, cinematography, as he likes to call them are perfect example of 3 most influental art segments putt together. On SFMOMA website you may also view a video with Jeff Wall and his explanation about his work, as well as some of the photographs that will be included in this retrospective from 1978-2004. Well, all I can say is I wish I could visit this show!


Louise Bourgeois
MAMAN, 1999
Steel and Marble
30 feet 5 inches x 29 feet 3 inches x 33 feet 7 inches
365 x 351 x 403 inches
927.1 x 891.5 x 1023.6 centimeters

This is my attempt to share my thoughts and views on everything that occupies me - with you, me and the web!
I hope it will help me understend and clearfy all those massed up informations that keep coming into my mind and not getting out...
Pardon my English mistakes :8)! ;)